Sefas has successfully deployed some of the most significant customer communication implementations in Europe & North America. In recent years, Sefas has tripled the global professional services organisation by recruiting and cultivating project managers, architects and developers to continue to meet growing demand.

Sefas helps with every aspect of a project from helping determine project scope, timelines and resourcing needs, to assisting client teams to develop requirements and determine the optimal approach. Whether we provide strategy, coaching and guidance, or provide the services to make a project happen, Sefas is ready and staffed for your engagement.

Sefas Professional Services can help you achieve your business objectives on an expedited schedule and accelerate your return on investment in Sefas software.


Sefas has extensive experience in consulting and integrating its software solutions. Recognised in the market as opinion leaders for their high level of expertise, Sefas consultants assist clients in their project and in the optimal implementation of CCM solutions. We provide method, knowledge and “best practices” and guarantee a successful solution that meets the expectations of users.


Sefas training courses take place in a very interactive, dynamic and convivial atmosphere, either on the premises of the UK offices in Bristol or on client site.

Where necessary, training courses are supplemented by on-site or remote monitoring to accompany users in their initial development or to expand the training in a specific context. This monitoring is proposed by the consulting team.

The Sefas training catalogue presents examples of courses corresponding to business profiles (model designer, operations manager, etc.) enabling you to create a personalised training programme for your company and users.


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