Accessible documents are those that are easy to read by blind and low-sighted readers. This accessibility is vital for user experience, and with many tools already out there such as alt text, colour-blindness adjustments and screen readers, it only makes sense to do so. In this article, we’ll examine some of the technologies that assist blind and low-sighted readers, as well as common methods for making documents more accessible.


Document Accessible Technology

Braille – Using a braille embosser, documents can be printed in braille, so they can be used in team meetings where a blind or low-sighted person is present. Braille is a written language designed for people who are blind or have low vision and can be interpreted by feeling raised dots on the reader’s fingertips.

Document reader – Another option for people who are blind or low-sighted is a document reader that converts written documents from electronic or printed documents into a more digestible form. It is important that documents are as accessible as possible so that document readers can read and communicate information correctly.

How to make your documents more accessible

Although technology has come a long way to support and accommodate the visually impaired, it is still important that you can support everyone who will be engaging with your communications. To ensure that your document is easily understood, you need to be using the correct formatting options, which include:

  • Clear headings
  • Paragraphs with line breaks of at least one line
  • Line breaks between sentences of 1 to 1.5 lines
  • Hyperlinks which describe the destination instead of just saying ‘click here’
  • Page numbers
  • Alt text used on images to describe clearly what the image is depicting


This will not only make the documents easy to read for humans, but it will also make it easier for blind and low-sighted readers to read and understand your text.


Having a clear customer communication strategy that has easily-accessible documents is vital. Here at Sefas, our Harmonie Communication Suite of tools are designed to support you in your CXM efforts. Your team will benefit from collaboration across design tools and be able to create the perfect omnichannel experience for each customer. To find out more about the HC suite and how it can support your business, get in contact with us today.


Rudy Millard, Local Government Specialist, Sefas UK